
CG breakingGovernmentNutrition

एपीएल एवं अन्य योजना के बनाए जा रहे हैं नवीन राशनकार्ड… खाद्य विभाग ने स्पष्ट किया बंद नही होंगे एपीएल राशनकार्ड…

सामान्य परिवारों के 9.19 लाख राशनकार्डधारियों को चावल के साथ अब नमक भी बिना राशनकार्ड वाले प्रवासी श्रमिकों एवं अन्य व्यक्तियों के लिए आॅफलाईन के साथ आॅनलाईन आवेदन की भी सुविधा इम्पेक्ट न्यूज. रायपुर। छत्तीसगढ़ शासन के खाद्य विभाग ने यह स्पष्ट किया है कि राज्य में सार्वजनिक वितरण प्रणाली के तहत सामान्य एपीएल राशनकार्ड में परिवर्तन करने या राशनकार्ड समाप्त करने का कोई प्रस्ताव विभाग में विचाराधीन नही है। प्रदेश के 9.19 लाख राशनकार्डधारी सामान्य परिवारों के 29.45 लाख सदस्यों को योजना का लाभ मिल रहा है। नागरिकों द्वारा

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Apple, Best For Health

Hello, my name is Ewala. I come from the planet Alawe, in the galaxy Ewala, in the universe Alawe. But the point is I tried. If you think you need to go to the bakery, please do so now, because I do not want to be interrupted while I tell you my story. …but anyway, I have been thinking about my happiness lately and have come to the conclusion that I am happy. This is annoying. If you saw a chicken as happy as me, I’ll replace it, and give

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Salmon Sandwich Found To Be Good

Hello, my name is Ewala. I come from the planet Alawe, in the galaxy Ewala, in the universe Alawe. But the point is I tried. If you think you need to go to the bakery, please do so now, because I do not want to be interrupted while I tell you my story. …but anyway, I have been thinking about my happiness lately and have come to the conclusion that I am happy. This is annoying. If you saw a chicken as happy as me, I’ll replace it, and give

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Coeffe, Good For Health?

Ut id massa ac tellus sodales euismod efficitur ac turpis. Pellentesque gravida dapibus nisi sit amet sollicitudin. Quisque id posuere libero, nec luctus lectus. Donec sit amet ante auctor, luctus velit vitae, blandit augue. Aenean eu sem molestie, posuere dolor eu, blandit sapien. Aliquam vehicula ante sed enim sodales accumsan. Donec felis odio, finibus ut dignissim sed, sollicitudin at ex. Etiam tristique ex ac lobortis iaculis. Aenean ante magna, blandit sit amet volutpat quis, sodales eu nunc. Proin eu aliquet risus. Proin at molestie nunc, quis mattis orci. Cras rhoncus,

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Aloe Vera’s Benefits

In ullamcorper in massa a mattis. Maecenas ac felis eu ex aliquet interdum. Vestibulum vehicula enim at quam fermentum dapibus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque id eros facilisis, condimentum felis ut, consequat eros. Aliquam commodo nec orci ac convallis. Maecenas pulvinar arcu at nisi iaculis aliquam. Nunc pretium vitae tellus rutrum blandit. Integer fermentum libero sed semper fringilla. Fusce tellus felis, pretium at arcu id, malesuada ornare lectus. Quisque sit amet mauris turpis. Curabitur sed aliquam ligula, non viverra ipsum. Phasellus pellentesque sapien rutrum

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