
District BeejapurEducation

शिक्षक मोबाइल पर अपलोड करेंगे क्षेत्रीय बोलियों पर आधारित कथा-कहानी, शिक्षा के प्रचार के लिए नई पहल

 कलेक्टर रितेश अग्रवाल ने जिले के सभी बीईओ, बीआरसी एवं सीएसी का परिचयात्मक बैठक लेकर शिक्षा सत्र के शुरुआत से पूर्व विभिन्न निर्देश दिए। जिसमें 5 साल से अधिक आयु के बच्चों की सूची निकटस्थ आगंनबाडी केन्द्रों से प्राप्त कर शत् प्रतिशत शालाओं में प्रवेश दिया जावे। शाला अप्रवेशी, शाला त्यागी बच्चे जिनकी आयु 18 साल तक है, सर्वे कराया जाए। विकासखण्ड शिक्षा अधिकारी,/बीआरसी., सीएसी, प्रधान पाठकों द्वारा बच्चों को स्कूलों में दाखिला करावाया जाए। प्राचार्य ,प्रधान पाठक एवं शिक्षक बच्चों के माता पिता से संपर्क कर सामाजिक जागरुकता विकसित

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Bill Gates Takes Charge Of Nokia Phones

Hello, my name is Ewala. I come from the planet Alawe, in the galaxy Ewala, in the universe Alawe. But the point is I tried. If you think you need to go to the bakery, please do so now, because I do not want to be interrupted while I tell you my story. …but anyway, I have been thinking about my happiness lately and have come to the conclusion that I am happy. This is annoying. If you saw a chicken as happy as me, I’ll replace it, and give

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Facebook Launches Its New Application

Hello, my name is Ewala. I come from the planet Alawe, in the galaxy Ewala, in the universe Alawe. But the point is I tried. If you think you need to go to the bakery, please do so now, because I do not want to be interrupted while I tell you my story. …but anyway, I have been thinking about my happiness lately and have come to the conclusion that I am happy. This is annoying. If you saw a chicken as happy as me, I’ll replace it, and give

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Proper Utilization Of Mobile

Hello, my name is Ewala. I come from the planet Alawe, in the galaxy Ewala, in the universe Alawe. But the point is I tried. If you think you need to go to the bakery, please do so now, because I do not want to be interrupted while I tell you my story. …but anyway, I have been thinking about my happiness lately and have come to the conclusion that I am happy. This is annoying. If you saw a chicken as happy as me, I’ll replace it, and give

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Greenland celebrate the advent of Train

Duis tincidunt sem vitae cursus condimentum. Sed feugiat ex sit amet ipsum sodales, vitae venenatis odio accumsan. Ut hendrerit odio dolor, non tincidunt arcu iaculis ac. Duis cursus enim id risus placerat cursus. Cras feugiat mi a risus pharetra commodo. Suspendisse risus sapien, vestibulum et consectetur sit amet, lacinia nec lectus. Sed in felis a sapien venenatis tempor vel ac metus. Proin malesuada, est at pulvinar scelerisque, lectus lorem blandit est, in ultrices mi ligula et velit. Vestibulum ut maximus ligula. Fusce vel sapien at mauris sodales sollicitudin. Vestibulum vitae

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